Friday, June 19, 2009

Working up to Tuesday's Public Meeting

This afternoon and evening, volunteers from the Friends of Victoria Glen Park had a table outside the "out" doors at Elmira Foodland. I sat there for an hour or so with a Grade 10 student who lives up on Riverside who had already been there at least an hour! (The table featured a half dozen photos he had taken in the woods).

We talked to a lot of people -- 20 or 30 in the hour I was there -- most of whom were very definite in their support for preserving the woods as parkland and in their opposition to treating it as "surplus" available for residential development. Over and over the fact came up that there are already 1000 lots approved for development just west of Elmira: where is the sense in cutting down precious forest for only 20 more houses?

A reminder: the Woolwich Township Public Meeting is this Tuesday at 7 pm in the council chambers in the new Township hall on Church Street, next to the 7/11. Come! Even if you don't talk at the meeting, just being there to show your support is valuable.

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